
CRIC is mainly funded by Innovation Fund Denmark

Centre for Research in Intensive Care (CRIC) was established in 2015 based on a grant from Innovation Fund Denmark The grant was given to create a clinical research centre with focus on intensive care patient in order to perform three clinical trials, explore trial methodology and socio-economic impact. Funding was given to salaries (primarily PhD-students) and operating expenses. The research account is externally revised once yearly.

CRIC partners may receive funding from other sources

It is the responsibility of each of the program leaders/partners to raise supplemental funding for salaries and operating expenses not fully covered by the grant from Innovation Fund Denmark. CRIC activities may therefore be supported by funding from other sources.

The following funding has been obtained for the…….

SUP-ICU trial (Sponsor: Rigshospitalet):

  • Rigshospitaltes Forskningsfond
  • Region Hovedstadens Forskningsfond
  • Medicinpuljen (Danske Regioner)

HOT-ICU trial (Sponsor: Aalborg University Hospital):

AID-ICU trial (Sponsor: Zealand University Hospital, Køge):

No funding from commercial companies or institutions

CRIC and its partners have received no financial or administrative support from commercial companies, organizations or institutions related to the drug of interest in any of the three trial.